He has shown you what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act JUST and to LOVE mercy and to WALK humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 (NIV)
He answered, " LOVE the Lord your God with ALL YOUR HEART and with ALL YOUR SOUL and with ALL YOUR STRENGTH and with ALL YOUR MIND; and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR as yourself.'' - Luke 10:27 (NIV)
2020 has been a year! It's only June and if feels like we have lived through a decade. Fires in Australia, Flight 752 explosion, Donald Trump was acquitted, Sports cancelled and/or paused (including the 2020 Olympics), Novia Scotia mass shooting, a global pandemic (COVID-19) counties locked down due to the GLOBAL PANDEMIC, murder hornets, Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi die in a helicopter crash, Canadian military helicopter crash, Snowbird flight crash, flooding in Fort McMurray, 408,244 deaths to covid-19, Breonna Taylor fatally shot, George Floyed murdered on the street by cops...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Do you remember where you were when you first saw footage of George Floyed being murdered at the hands of the police?? I was sitting at the kitchen table watching the news with my family.... hearing the words 'I CAN'T BREATHE'. Seeing a man's life slip away at the hands of those who's duty it is to protect & serve. My heart sank and at the same time didn't understand fully what I was watching. Where were you??
It's been two weeks since George Floyed lost his life.... Two weeks of social media being flooded in cries for justice. BLACK LIVES MATTER.!!! It's been two weeks of reading articles and articles about white privilege and hearing the impact that has had and continues to have on black people and people of color. It’s been two weeks of peeling back some layers that I’ve subconsciously had covering my eyes and in some regards my heart. This past Friday I attended my first protest with a couple of friends. I knew I wanted to go to stand, listen, learn and support. I've grown up in the Christian faith. Always hearing how important is is to love others and to be kind and generous. (remember the WWJD bracelets?? - yep I had one) Those things are great and so essential in loving our world.... but what about stepping up in the face of racism?? I've never thought of myself as a racist. I attend church regularly, I smile at everyone I pass on a walk. I find joy in being around people, I'm sensitive to listen... So could racism and contributing to the injustice in the world really be in me???
I've never liked conflict. Never liked being around anger or confusion. So what I've imbedded in a habit has been silence. Just be quiet. Don't say anything that won't cause peace. Don't make anyone angry or upset. JUST. STAY. QUIET. There are many instances that I can recall where being silent was my defense. It was comfortable and it's felt safe. But what about now?? What about now when my eyes clearly see injustice for maybe the first time ever. What about now when I hear stories from my black friends and indigenous friends about times where they have been mistreated and/called unspeakable things by white people??? Or who haven't had the same opportunities as I have because of the color of their skin. What about when my family members make a joke or even make a comment and expect a laughing response??
Hearing the cries of the black community has made me check in with myself... evaluating my posture of "love". I knew by attending the protest this past weekend it meant that I was saying YES TO CHANGE. Change in my own life. Change in the lives of my white friends and family and change in our world. I held my sign high and proud... I YELLED for justice and for change. I YELLED in repentance. I YELLED "BLACK LIVES MATTER. INDIGINOUS LIVES MATTER. BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER!" For me (and what I believe should be our position as the church) this was the right position - as a lover of Jesus. In my mind it was a not even a question. (weep with those who weep. Rejoice with those who rejoice).
I understand that change is a process. Its a marathon not a sprint. ( I've heard and read that over and over these past few weeks) SO HERE I AM!! I COMMIT TO NO LONGER BEING SILENT.....
I commit to continuously checking my vision and checking my heart. I commit to gaining understanding by educating myself, donating to organizations that have feet on the ground, signing petitions in order to see change, having hard conversations that not only make me uncomfortable but that challenge those around me and doing the work that is unseen like reading, repenting & searching my own heart. BLACK LIVES MATTER. INDIGENOUS LIVES MATTER. POC MATTER.
Fighting for justice is not a one battle fight. It's not over just because weeks have past. Just look at history. Fighting for justice is an everyday response to love. A love for humanity.
So in weeks, months and years down the road... I will ask again WHERE WERE YOU?? And I hope to hear, "I was there. I was listening. I was learning. AND I am still".
Let's keep one another accountable. LET'S CHANGE THE WORLD.
xoxo Jennilee